Semiconductor Industry
Product Data & Safety
Now more than ever, environmental compliance management, verification, and sustainability are important to the lifespan of any semiconductor device. While the hazards of routinely used compounds are well established, innovation usually results in the adoption of new substances with unknown qualities. Moreover, timelines for product development are tight, and there is tremendous competition, which complicates potential hazards. Also, the arduous effort of following up with suppliers and partners to get correct supplier declaration data may be a key part of the difficulty.
Solving the Compliance Needs for the Semiconductor Industry
Fortunately, GoCompliance is a solution for semiconductor enterprise substance compliance and sustainability requirements. By enabling the semiconductor industry to effectively detect, report, and design compounds of concern, it eliminates duplication and expedites the process of collecting supplier material declaration data and traceability.
Some of the critical elements that GoCompliance provides to manufacturers to accomplish their objectives of compliance while remaining focused on their core business are:
Automating the process of obtaining, collecting, and validating supplier data in order to eliminate mistakes and shorten cycle times
Updating the system whenever a new design standard or specification is published, ensuring that the system is aware of these changes.​
Examining the effects of a component change on the complete product line.